
We now have over 7,000 obituaries collected about the interred here at Silverbrook Cemetery.

The obituaries are transcribed by the volunteers of the Friends of Silverbrook Cemetery from various sources.  If you see an opportunity for an addition or a correction, please email our obituary editor at

Hart, Gilbert 1818-1888

Gilbert Hart
1818-May 19, 1888

Niles Democrat (Niles, Michigan), Saturday, May 26, 1888, page 3, col. 2, microfilm Niles District Library

Gilbert Hart died at Kalamazoo on Monday last. His remains were brought here on Tuesday and the funeral attended from the residence of W.G. Ferson on that day. Mr. Hart was for many years a prominent business man of this city.

Westfall, Jacob 1826-1888

Jacob Westfall
1826-May 21, 1888

Niles Democrat (Niles, Michigan), Saturday, May 26, 1888, page 3, col. 4, microfilm Niles District Library

Jacob Westfall, for a long time a resident of this vicinity, died at his home in Niles township on Wednesday night.

Lewis, Maria H. 1807-1866

Maria H. Lewis
1807-Jan. 21, 1866

Niles Republican I (Niles, Michigan), Saturday, January 27, 1866, page 3, col. 4, microfilm Niles District Library

In this city January 21st, with Congestion of the Lungs, MARIA H. LEWIS, wife of Dr. James Lewis


Paine, Annie Elizabeth 1855-1866

Annie Elizabeth Paine
1855-Jan. 17, 1866

Niles Republican I (Niles, Michigan), Saturday, January 27, 1866, page 3, col. 4, microfilm Niles District Library

In this city, of Typhoid Fever, on the 17th of January, ANNIE ELIZABETH, daughter of R.C. PAINE, aged 11 years.

Monroe, Myron 1863-1888

Myron Monroe
1863-June 7, 1888

Niles Democrat (Niles, Michigan), Saturday, June 9, 1888, page 5, col. 4, microfilm Niles District Library

Myron Monroe died at the Kalamazoo Asylum on Wednesday. His remains were brought here for burial.

Miller, Henry L., Jr. 1857-1888

Henry Miller, Jr.
1857-June 5, 1888


Niles Democrat (Niles, Michigan), Saturday, June 9, 1888, page 5, col. 4, microfilm Niles District Library

The funeral of Henry Miller, jr. [sic] was attended by the firemen of the city and his fellow workmen of the Lacey cooper shops, in a body, members of the Fearless Hose Co., acting as pall bearers. The deceased had been a member of the Fearless since its organization in 1879.


Card of Thanks

We take this method of expressing our heartfelt thanks to our neighbors and friends, to our son's shop-mates, to the members of the Fire Depatment, especially those of Fearless Hose, for their ready assistance, sympathy and kindness both during the sickness and after the death of our beloved son. Their words and acts will never be forgotted.[sic]

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller

Hackley, Nancy Ann 1811-1888

Nancy Hackley
July 4, 1811-Aug. 28, 1888


Niles Democrat(Niles, Michigan), Saturday, September 1, 1888, page 4, col. 2, microfilm Niles District Library

Mrs. Nancey Hackley, a colored lady and for a long time a resident here was buried at Silverbrook on Thursday afternoon.


The South Bend Tribune, South Bend, Indiana, Tuesday, August 28, 1888, page 4

Mrs. Nancy Hackley, the well known colored lady, died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Elijah Powell, yesterday morning. She was 77 years old July 4th, and was a great sufferer from asthma. She was the mother of 16 children, 13 of whom are now living. The funeral will occur Thursday from the residence and the body will be interred at Niles, Mich.