Vetter, Elizabeth, 1863-1939

Elizabeth Vetter
Oct. 15, 1863-July 31, 1939

Niles Daily Star (Niles, Berrien Co., Michigan), Monday, July 31, 1939, page 2, col. 6

Elizabeth Vetter, 75, Dies Today in Home Near Niles

            Ill for the last three months, Mrs. Elizabeth Vetter, widow of Charles Vetter, died at 2:15 o’clock this morning in her home, 33 River street.  She was 75 years old.

            A native of Pennsylvania Mrs. Vetter was the daughter of Ruben and Sara Zerbe.  She had lived in Berrien county most of her life, and moved the Niles in 1937 from her farm home on the Berrien Center road.<

            Surviving are two sons, Frank and Clarence, Niles; a sister, Mrs. Emery Nash, Elkhart; also two grandchildren.  Mr. Vetter died March 2, 1934.

            Friends may call at the Price and Kiger funeral home where services will be held at 2o’clock Wednesday afternoon with the Rev. Harry L. Nicholson officiating.  Burial will be in Silverbrook Cemetery.