Vetter, Augustus George, 1861-1904

Augustus “Gus” George Vetter
June 24, 1861-Sept. 26, 1904

Niles Daily Star (Niles, Berrien Co., Michigan), Monday, September 26, 1904, page 3, col. 1

Gus Vetter, who left here three weeks ago, for Westpoint, Miss., with a hope of benefiting his health, died there yesterday of paralysis, aged 43 years.  He is survived by a little son, aged 11 years; a sister, Mrs. John Rhoades, of West Niles, and two brothers, Charles, who lives a few miles northwest of town, and William, of near Sumnerville.  The remains will be brought here for burial.  The deceased was well known and highly respected.

Niles Daily Star (Niles, Berrien Co., Michigan), Thursday, September 29, 1904, page 3, col. 3

The funeral of the late Gus Vetter took place at 2:30 o’clock this afternoon from the home of his sister, Mrs. John Rhoades of Lincoln Avenue, West Niles.  Rev. A.T. Freguson conducted the services and the remains were interred at Silver Brook cemetery.  A delegation from the M.W. A. of which order the deceased was a member, attended the funeral.