William G. Vetter
Dec. 8, 1863-April 18, 1912
Niles Daily Sun (Niles, Berrien Co., Michigan), Friday, April 19, 1912, page 1, col. 7
Remains of Buchanan man will be buried in Niles
Mr. and Mrs. John Rhoades were called to Buchanan yesterday on account of the death of Mrs. Rhoades’ brother, William G. Vetter.
The remains will be brought to Niles tomorrow afternoon and will be taken directly to Silver Brook cemetery for interment. Rev. Watson of Buchanan will accompany the funeral party and conduct the committal services.
Mr. Vetter is survived by one daughter and one son of Buchanan; a sister, Mrs. Rhoades of Niles and a brother, Charles Vetter who resides north of Niles.
The deceased carried an insurance in an old line company.