Lipp, Joseph 1857-1931

Joseph Lipp
September 11, 1857-May 5, 1931

Niles Daily Sun (Niles, Berrien Co., MI), Monday, May 5, 1931, page 1 col. 6

Well known Citizen a Victim of Heart Disease—
Returned Home from Work Sick

The sudden death today of Joseph Lipp came as a shock to his wide acquaintance of friends in Niles. This morning, Mr. Lipp left home about 7 o'clock to work as usual for M.H. Bowering whom he was assisting with a house building operation. About an hour later he returned home and told his wife that he had a severe pain in his heart. After lying down for a few minutes he arose and went to the bathroom when he suddenly sank to the floor, and, by the time the physician who was called, reached the house he was dead. His death is attributed to heart disease of which he had been a sufferer, but as he had not been afflicted with a heart attack for more than a year, his death from this cause came as a great shock to his wife and friends.

Mr. Lipp was born in Joliet, Ill., Sept. 11, 1857, and was therefore in his 61st year. His father was killed in the Civil war when the subject of this sketch was about 3 years old. Soon afterward his mother and her two sons, Joseph and John, the latter two years older than Joseph, came to Niles where Joseph had since resided. His mother and his brother, John, who died at the age of 17 years, are buried at Silver Brook cemetery.

Mr. Lipp was married in Niles on Thanksgiving Day, 26 years ago, to Miss Sallie Weiser, who survives him. No children blessed the union and in his death, Mrs. Lipp is deprived of the devoted companionship and care of her husband, who entire interests centered about their home. Mrs. Lipp submitted to a severe operation just five months ago today, Dec. 5, 1918, and has since been practically an invalid and has received the tenderest care of her husband.

Beside his wife, Mr. Lipp is survived by a half sister, Mrs. George Bruce, who resides near Berren [sic] lake.

Fraternally, Mr. Lipp was identified with the Odd Fellows, New Century Rebekkah lodge and the Woodmen of the World.

Mr. Lipp for many years engaged in the threshing business until a year ago, when he sold his machine. He was well known throughout the community and his honesty and other good qualities helped him make a success of his business pursuits and helped him acquire considerable property interests. He was one of the best known fishermen in this section.

The funeral service will probably be held Wednesday afternoon from the residence, 205 North Fifth street. Burial will occur in Silver Brook cemetery.


The Niles Daily Star (Niles, Berrien Co., MI), Monday, May 5, 1931, page 1 column 6


Sudden death came to Joseph Lipp this morning. He left home to assist M.J. Bowering in the moving of a building, but becoming indisposed he returned to his home, 204 North Fifth street and sat down, sating to his wife that he was ill, when she brought him medicine which he took and went to another part of the house with nauseating symptoms and he expired, scarcely without warning.

The death of Mr. Lipp is universally deplored. A better citizen is difficult to find. He possessed splendid traits of character, being a man among men, of good citizens, and he always took a lively part in everything pertaining to the welfare of the town.

He was industrious, kindly and always an agreeable neighbor and all can vouch for his integrity.

Mr. Lipp was ever fond of nature and one would frequently find him enjoying the life of a sportsman, a splendid fisherman and hunter, and he ever strove to have the law strictly obeyed.

Deceased was born in Joliet, Ill., Sept. 11, 1858, and when by a little boy moved with his parents to this city, where he has resided ever since. He was 61 years old. In 1893 Mr. Lipp was united in marriage to Miss Sallie Weiser. Besides the wife he is survived by a half sister, Mrs. George Bruce, residing near Barren lake. Funeral announcement later.


The Niles Daily Star (Niles, Berrien Co., MI), Tuesday, May 6, 1931, page 4 col. 2

Funeral services for Joseph Lipp will be conducted from the residence Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 ;clock and will be under the auspices of the Odd Fellows and the Woodmen of the World. Rev. A.W. Lyons of the Baptist church will officiate and interment will be made in Silver Brook cemetery.