
We now have over 7,000 obituaries collected about the interred here at Silverbrook Cemetery.

The obituaries are transcribed by the volunteers of the Friends of Silverbrook Cemetery from various sources.  If you see an opportunity for an addition or a correction, please email our obituary editor at

Harris, George Edward

George Edward Harris
Oct. 4, 1851-Jan. 2, 1934

Niles Daily Star, Tuesday, January 2, 1934, page 1, col. 4, microfilm Niles District Library

G. Edward Harris, 82, Dies at Home Today

George Edward Harris, 82, lifelong resident of Niles, died at his home, 739 Oak street, at 10:45 o'clock this morning, following an illness of three years.

Mr. Harris worked for many years as an attendant at Silverbrook cemetery. Three years ago he suffered a stroke and had since then been an invalid. A sister, Ella, who lived with him, died about six years ago.

He was born in Niles on Oct. 4, 1851. He never married. The only known surviving relative is a brother, Fred Harris, Butte, Mont.

The body is at the Rutherford funeral home. Funeral arrangements are incomplete.


Niles Daily Star, Wednesday, January 3, 1934, page 2, col. 2, microfilm Niles District Library


Funeral services will be held at 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon for G. Edward Harris, aged Niles resident who died Tuesday.  The Rev. M.R. Everett will conduct the service at the Rutherford Funeral home, and burial will be in the Silverbrook cemetery, where Mr. Harris worked for many years.


Clapsaddle, Cleo (Vandenburg)

Cleo Clapsaddle
March 28, 1891-Feb. 15, 1934

Niles Daily Star, Friday, February 16, 1934, page 1, col. 8, microfilm Niles District Library

Mrs. Clapsaddle Dies in West Virginia City

Mrs. Cleo Clapsaddle, 43, died at 1:30 o'clock Thursday morning at Point Pleasant, W. Va., where she was teaching in a mission school. Death was caused by a brain ailment.

The body will arrive in Niles tonight in charge of S.H. Kiger of Price and Kiger who left here yesterday to take charge of the remains.

The deceased was born in Niles March 28, 1891, was reared to womanhood here. She is survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mary Brandenburg who live five miles north of . . . [illegible] . . .five brothers, Frank, Grover, Fred, Henry and Lester Brandenburg also at home.

Funeral services will be held at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon at the Price and Kiger funeral home with the Rev. W.H. Turner in charge.  Burial will be in Silverbrook cemetery.


Niles Daily Star, Saturday, February 17, 1934, page 2, col. 2, microfilm Niles District Library


Funeral services for Mrs. Cleo Clapsaddle, who died Thursday morning as Point Pleasant, W. Va., where she had been teaching in Heights mission, were held at 2 o'clock this afternoon at the price and Kiger funeral home with the Rev. W. H. Turner officiating.  Burial was in Silverbrook cemetery.  Mrs. Clapsaddle was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Vandenbrug[sic], living five miles north of Niles.

Collins, John Stanley

Rev. John Stanley Collins
June 5, 1859-Feb. 23, 1934

Niles Daily Star, Friday, February 23, 1934, page 1, col. 7, microfilm Niles District Library

Rev. Collins Dies; Funeral Set for Monday

The Rev. John Stanley Collins, prominent retired Baptist minister and pioneer resident of Niles, died at 9 o'clock this morning at this home, 1088 Oak street, after an illness of several months.

He is survived by the widow, Stella.

Born in Niles on June 5, 1859, when the city had been incorporated for only 30 years, the deceased lived here all his life . . . [illegible] . . work took him to other cities.  He . .. [illegible] . . county in church circles.

His former schoolmate, Prof. George Taft, president of the Northern Baptist seminary, Chicago, will officiate at the funeral services which will be held at 1:30 o'clock Monday afternoon at the Price and Kiger funeral home.  Interment will be in Silverbrook cemetery


Niles Daily Star, Saturday, February 24, 1934, page 2, col. 3, microfilm Niles District Library


Funeral services for the Rev. John Stanley Collins, prominent Baptist minister who died Friday morning at his home here, will be held at 1:30 o'clock Monday afternoon at the Price and Kiger funeral home.

Professor George Taft, a former schoolmate and president of the Northern Baptist seminary, Chicago, will be in charge of the services. Burial will be in Silverbrook cemetery.

Friends may call at the funeral home until time for the funeral.


Niles Daily Star, Monday, February 23, 1934, page 2, col. 2, microfilm Niles District Library


Funeral services for the Rev. John Stanley Collins, who died at his home here Friday morning, were held at 1:30 o'clock this afternoon at the Price and Kiger funeral home with Prof. George Taft, president of the Northern Baptist seminary, Chicago, in charge of the services.  Burial was in Silverbrook cemetery.


Niles Daily Star, Wednesday, February 28, 1934, page 2, col. 3, microfilm Niles District Library


Dr. L.H. Stewart, Bronson hospital, Kalamazoo; Dr. Sherman Gregg and family, Mrs. Ella Dye, all of Kalamazoo; J.H. Laravee, Lansing; Mr. and Mrs. Worth Reese and John Reese, Mishawaka; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Collins, Osceola, Ind., and Dr. O.R. Miles, Winona Lake, Ind., attended the funeral services of the Rev. John Stanley Collins here Monday afternoon 

Collins, Rosanna B.

Rosanna B. Collins
Jan. 20, 1858-March 1, 1934

Niles Daily Star, Thursday, March 1, 1934, page 1, col. 3, microfilm Niles District Library

Mrs. Michael Collins Succumbs at Hospital

Mrs. Michael Collins, 76, 601 North Fifth street, mother of Fire Chief C. S. Collins, died at 9:20 o'clock this morning in Pawating hospital.

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Collins, who were married in Little Rock, Ark., June 11, 1877, have lived in Niles for the past 57 years.  Mrs. Collins was born in Nottinghamshire, England, on Jan. 20, 1858 and came to the United States with her parents when she was five years old.

Besides her husband and son, the deceased is also survived by four other children, Malcolm Collins, Mrs. C.A. Shepherd, Willard Collins, all of Niles; and Mrs. Leroy True, New York City; a brother, Willard Bircumshay, Salt Lake city, Utah; and five grandchildren.  Mrs. Gertrude Scofield, Niles, preceded her in death five years ago.

Although funeral services will be held Saturday, complete arrangements have not been made.


Niles Daily Star, Friday, March 3, 1934, page 2, col. 2, microfilm Niles District Library


Funeral services for Mrs. Michael Collins, 501 North Fifth street, who died in Pawating hospital Thursday morning, will be held at 2:30 o'clock Saturday afternoon in the Presbyterian church.  The services will be in charge of the Rev. G.W. Simon, pastor.  Burial will be in Silverbrook cemetery.


Conrad, William J.

William J. Conrad
Feb. 7, 1868-Feb. 14, 1934

Niles Daily Star, Thursday, February 15, 1934, page 1, col. 4, microfilm Niles District Library


Prominent Farmer Dies at Sumnerville Home on Wednesday Night

William J. Conrad, 66, lifelong resident and well known farmer of this district, died at 7 o'clock Wednesday night at his home at Sumnerville after an illness of several months.

He was born near Buchanan, Feb. 7, 1868 where he lived until 1900 when the family moved to the present location.  Mr. Conrad spent his entire life int eh Buchanan -Niles area. On May 10, 1893, he was married to Miss Margaret Nieb who survives him.

The death of Mr. Conrad is the third in the family in the past nine months. His son-in-law, Leon J. Rooks, was drowned June 7, 1933 at Indian lake, and Mrs. Conrad's sister, Mrs. Nora Waldie, died January 7 of this year.

Besides his wife, the deceased is survived by two daughters, Miss Margaret and Mrs. Mable Rooks, at home; three sisters, Mrs.  Harry Swartz, South Bend; Mrs. Ervon McDonald, Three Rivers; and Mrs. John Fowler, Niles; and five brothers, Elfred Conrad, Chicago; Edward Conrad, Interlochen, Mich.; Andrew Conrad, Three Oaks; Jay Conrad, South Bend; and Clayton C. Conrad, Three Rivers.

Funeral services will be held Saturday at the home at 1:30 o'clock and at 2:30 o'clock in the St. John's Evangelical church, Niles, with the Rev. Theo Eisen officiating.  Burial will be in Silverbrook cemetery.


Niles Daily Star, Friday, February 16, 1934, page 2, col. 3, microfilm Niles District Library


Funeral services for William J. Conrad, prominent farmer who died at his home in Sumnerville Wednesday night, will be conducted at the home at 1:30 o'clock Saturday afternoon and in St. John's Evangelical church here at 2:30 o'clock. The Rev. Theo Eisen will be in charge of the services.  Burial will be in Silverbrook cemetery.


Niles Daily Star, Saturday, February 17, 1934, page 2, col. 3, microfilm Niles District Library


Funeral services for William J. Conrad, who died Wednesday night in his home in Sumnerville, were held at the home at 1:30 o'clock and in St. John's Evangelical church here at 2:30 o'clock today. The Rev. Theo Eisen was in charge.  Burial was in Silverbrook.

Fitch, Jane (Hunter)

Jane Hunter Fitch
1910-Dec. 15, 1933

Niles Daily Star, Saturday, December 16, 1933, page 2, col. 2, microfilm Niles District Library


Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wesselhoft were called to Chicago today by the report of the death of Mrs. Wesselhoft's daughter, Miss Jane Hunter.  Mrs. Wesselhoft had been visiting in Chicago Friday and was shopping with her daughter and reported that she seemed to be in the best of health. The report of her death received early this morning did not give the cause.

Miss Hunter, who was 23 years old, had been employed in Chicago for several months, except for a period this year when she was seriously ill. The body will be brought to the Rutherford funeral home here tonight.


Niles Daily Star, Monday, December 18, 1933, page 2, col. 3, microfilm Niles District Library


Funeral services for Mrs. Jane Hunter Fitch, who died suddenly Saturday morning in Chicago where she resided, were held at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon at First Presbyterian church, the Rev. Guy W. Simon officiating. Burial followed in Silverbrook cemetery.

The deceased is survived by her husband, Frank Fitch, her mother, Mrs. Edward Wesselhoft, a brother Frederick Hunter, a grandmother, Mrs. Lemont Hunter, all of Niles and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hanchett of Berrien Springs.

Flint, Floyd Harrison

Floyd Harrison Flint
April 28, 1919-Dec. 12, 1933

Niles Daily Star, Tuesday, December 12, 1933, page 2, col. 3, microfilm Niles District Library


Floyd Harrison Flint, 14, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Flint, 1212 North Ninth street, died this morning at the Pawating hospital. He was admitted to the hospital Saturday morning and underwent an operation for a ruptured appendix. Death was due to peritonitis which set in following the rupture.  He is survived by his parents, three sisters, Marjorie, Joan and Patricia Ann, of Niles, and a grandfather, Harrison Flint, Chicago.  The body is at the Rutherford  Funeral home and funeral arrangements have not been completed.

Note: DOB From death record