Wood, Leonard S. 1889-1927

Dr. Leonard S. Wood
October 10, 1889-April 22, 1927

The Niles Daily Star (Niles, Berrien Co., MI) Saturday, April 23, 1927, page 1, col. 3, microfilm Niles District Library


Dr. Leonard Wood, 37, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam L. Wood residing north of Pokagon, died at Gobles, Arizona, about 11 o'clock on Friday, according to word received Friday afternoon. The message was sent by Dr. Norton Wood, a brother of Leonard, who was with him when he died, the two brothers having had offices in the same building in Miami, Ariz., Dr. Norton practicing dentistry and Leonard, medicine and surgery.

A message received last evening stated that North and the widow of the deceased would leave with the body for Niles today and expect to arrive here on Tuesday at 11 o'clock. More definite announcement as to the funeral plans will be made later.

Leonard Wood was born on a farm near Summerville[sic] on October 10, 1889. He attended the Niles public schools and after being graduated took a course in medicine in Hahnemann college in Chicago and also took his internship practice in that hospital. He practiced in Chicago for several years but spent winters in the west on account of ill health; and about five years ago located in Gobles, a mining town about 90 miles east of Phoenix.

He was married in Chicago to Miss Gracia Zern, of Chicago, who survives him. Besides the parents and widow, and his brother, Norton, a brother, William, who resided in Dowagiac, also survives; besides a large number of more distant relatives in Niles and vicinity.

Dr. Wood's death comes as a great shock to his relatives and friends, and followed but few days of pneumonia. During last winter he had a severe attack of pleurisy and never fully recovered his strength and in his weakened condition lacked the resistance to combat with the attack of pneumonia. He was well and favorably known in Niles.

After completing his internship and while engaged in practice in Chicago he frequently came to Niles. And having made a specialty of tonsilectomy[sic] performed many operations for the removal of tonsils while in the city.

Although his offices were in Miami, Dr. and Mrs. Wood resided in Gobles, a short distance from Miami.


The Niles Daily Star (Niles, Berrien Co., MI) Tuesday, April 26, 1927, page 4, col. 2, microfilm Niles District Library


Funeral services for Dr. Leonard Wood, son of Mr. and Mrs. S.L. Wood, who died in Globe, Ariz., on Saturday, were held this afternoon at the Troost and Augustine chapel. Rev. Fox, of Dowagiac, conducted the services. The body was placed in a crypt in the mausoleum in Silver Brook cemetery. The body arrived in Niles at 1 o'clock. Dr. Wood's widow, and his brother, Dr. Norton Wood, of Miami, Ariz., accompanied the body from Globe to Chicago and arrived in Niles at 11 o'clock. Miss Gertrude Wood, who spent the winter in St. Petersburg, Fla., met them in Chicago and accompanied them to Niles.