Korman, Eva Margaret 1848-1917

Eva Margaret (Meffert) Korman
June 30, 1848-June 25, 1917

Niles Daily Sun (Niles, Berrien Co., MI), Monday, June 25, 1917, page 1, col. 3

Well Known Lady Lived Only About an Hour After Being
Stricken With Heart Attack; In Usual Health Sunday

The death of Mrs. Henry Korman, Sr., at her home, 1402 North Fifth street, at an early hour this morning, came as a great shock to the members of her family and a host of friends in the city.

Mrs. Korman attended services at St. John's church Sunday and in the afternoon had been at Silverbrook cemetery for the memorial day services and seemed in her usual health. After spending a few hours at the home of her son, Henry, last evening she returned to her own home. She was stricken with a heart attack about midnight and passed away an hour later.

Mrs. Korman was born in Saxony, Germany, June 30 1848. Her maiden name was Eva Meffert. She came to the United State with her parents when quite young, and settled in Pennsylvania, later going to Buchanan. She was married in 1872 to Henry Wurz, who died in 1889. Five children were born of this union. She was again married in Niles to Henry Korman, who survives her. One son was born of this union.

The six children who survive Mrs. Korman are Mrs. Fred Bachman, Mrs. Charles Meyers, Mrs. Rudolph Guideman, Herman Wurz, Henry Wurz and Henry Korman. Three brothers and two sisters also survive. The latter are Mrs. Seigle Stevens, Glendora; Mrs. Ivy Fuller, Chicago; J.M. Meffert, Ocala, Florida, George and Martin Meffert, of Buchanan. Five grandchildren also survive. The children all live in Niles.

Mrs. Korman was a member of St. John's church, of the Ladies' Circle of Mutual Help of the church and of Niles hive, No. 39, L.O.T.M. She was highly esteemed in the community in which she has resided for about 40 years, and a splendid mother and wife, and highly esteemed lady has been called to her eternal rest.

The funeral arrangements have not been made pending word from relatives.


The Niles Daily Star (Niles, Berrien Co., MI), Monday, June 25, 1917, page 1, col. 2


At one o'clock this morning, after an illness of only half an hour, Mrs. Henry C. Korman died at her home 1430 north Fifth street, after being stricken with heart trouble. Mrs. Korman was in her customary good health up to a late hour last night and as usual Sunday morning attended divine service at St. John's church, of which she was long a faithful and conscientious member.

For over forty years Mrs. Korman had been a resident of Niles and the news of her sudden demise came as a shock to a host of friends, who knew her well. Deceased was a lovable lady, one of the most hospitable kind and one who good cheer and counsel will be sorely missed. She was an ardent church member all her life and also belonged t the L.O.T.M. Of this city.

Born in Saxony, Germany, June 30, 1848, Mrs. Korman came to America when she was a young girl. And most of her life resided in Berrien county. She was twice married and in June 1872 in this city she married Henry Wurz, who died in Buchanan in September, 1889. Unto this union, five children were born. Later she was wedded to Henry C. Korman of this city and one son, Henry Korman, came to grace the home.

Deceased whose maiden name was Eva Meffert, is survived, besides her husband, by the following children: Mrs. C.F. Bachman, Mrs. Charles Meyers, Mrs. Rudolph Geideman, Herman and Harry Wurz and Henry Korman, all of Niles. Three brothers and two sisters also survive, George and Martin Meffert, Buchanan, and J.M Meffert of Calif. Mrs. Seigle Stevens, Glendora, and Mrs. Ivy Fuller, Chicago. There are five grandchildren.

The funeral arrangements have not been completed.


The Niles Daily Star (Niles, Berrien Co., MI), Tuesday, June 26, 1917, page 4, col. 2

The members of the Ladies Aid society and “Circle of Mutual Help” of St. John's church, are requested to meet at the residence of the late Mrs. Henry Korman, Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock to attend to funeral of their late sister, Mrs. Korman, in a body.


The Niles Daily Star (Niles, Berrien Co., MI), Wednesday, June 27, 1917, page 1, col. 4


With the simple but most impressive service the funeral of Mrs. Henry Korman, whose sudden death Monday shocked the city, was held this afternoon at 2 o'clock from the residence, 1430 N. Fifth street.

Rev. Rahn, pastor of St. John's German church officiated, where Mrs. Korman was one of the most faithful worshippers. The rooms were filled with friends of the family, and beautiful flowers in baskets and large bouquets surrounded the casket.

Among those present from out of the city were Henry Korman, Madras, Mo.; Miss Lena Hendricks and Chas. Korman, Kansas; Mrs. Augusta Breitenfield and Mrs. Ivy Fuller, Chicago; Clarence Pfiel, Manistee, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. S. Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Blackmun and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hartline, Glendora; Mrs. Nelson George Meffert, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Meffert, Earl Beck, Mrs. Howard Roe, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Blodgett, Buchanan; Mrs. L.E. Granger, Hartford, and Ed Geideman of Michigan City.