Mantke, Paul F. 1864-1928

Paul F. Mantke
June 5, 1864-June 2, 1928

The Niles Daily Star (Niles, Berrien Co., MI), Monday, June 4, 1928, page 1 col. 4


Death came to Paul Mantke, suddenly on Saturday evening at 7:15 at Pawating hospital, where he was taken on Friday noon after he had suffered a stroke of paralysis while at the Elk temple. Had Mr. Mantke lived until tomorrow he would have celebrated his sixty-fourth birthday anniversary.

Mr. Mantke was born in Germany on June 4, 1864. He was brought to Niles by his parents when he was a small boy, possibly five or six years of age, and had since lived here. Early in his life he entered the employ of the Michigan Central railroad company and continued in the railroad company's employ for about 40 years, and was one of the veteran employes of the company for several years. He was engaged in switching at South Bend when he met with an accident in which one of his feet was so severely crushed that amputation was necessary. He worked for a short time after the foot had been amputated but was soon pensioned by the railroad company and retired.

Since his retirement he had practically made his home at the Elk temple. He was a member of the South Bend lodge of Elks before the Niles lodge of Elks was organized but was one of the first in Niles to transfer his membership to Niles. He never married. He is survived by one sister, Mrs. Pauline Kolks, so is expected in Niles, this afternoon from Glasglow, Mo., William Mantke, of Kansas City, Mo., and Paul Korman, of St. Louis, Mo, Nephews reached Niles this morning. Mrs. Thomas Leonard and Alderman Paul Mantke, of Niles are niece and nephew of the deceased.

Besides the lodge of Elks, Mr. Mantke was a member of the Michigan Central Pioneer association.

The funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Rutherford Funeral Home. The services will be under the auspices of the Elk lodge. Burial will take place in Silver Brook cemetery.