Taylor, Frank S. 1862-1928

Frank S. Taylor
November 2, 1862-March 30, 1928

The Niles Daily Star (Niles, Berrien Co., MI), Friday, March 30, 1928, page 1, column 4

Stricken by Heart Disease This Morning at Hickory Street Home

Frank S. Taylor, 52, a resident of Niles since 1908, died this morning about 8 o'clock at his home, 527 Hickory street. He had been an invalid for three years but the immediate cause of death was heart disease and was quite unexpected as he had appeared to be as well as usual when he retired last evening. About three years ago he sustained a fall and broke his hip and since that time he had practically been an invalid.

Mr. Taylor was born in Decatur, Ill, in 1865. On April 8, 1878, he went to Chicago. When a young man he entered the employ of the National Printing and Engraving company in Chicago, and when the company moved to Niles in 1902, he came here with them, being employed in the shipping department. He left the employ of the company for a time to engage in the grocery business on Wayne street, but later returned to the printing company's employ. He was married in 1913 at South Bend to Miss Laura Smith who survives him. Besides his wife he is survived by one brother, Charles C. Taylor of Niles.

Mr. Taylor was a charter member of the Niles lodge of Elks, and was one of its most interested and faithful attendants at lodge activities.

The funeral plans are not completed.


The Niles Daily Star (Niles, Berrien Co., MI), Monday, April 2, 1928, page 4, column 1


Funeral services for Frank S. Taylor were held on Sunday at the Rutherford Funeral Home, Rev. G.W. Simon, pastor of the Presbyterian church, officiated, with the Niles lodge of Elks in charge of the service. The pallbearers were P.B. Williams, Harry Saunders, George Foster, Henry Henkel, Lawrence Hastings and Art Morehouse. The body was placed in a vault in the mausoleum in Silver Brook cemetery.