Jones, James Dean

James Dean Jones
Oct. 11, 1944-Feb. 9, 1945

Niles Daily Star, Saturday, February 10, 1945, page 2, col. 5, microfilm Niles District Library

Three-Months-Old Child Dies Friday


James Dean Jones, three-month-old son of Pvt. and Mrs. Robert Jones, rural route two, died at 9:05 a.m. Friday in Pawating hospital.

The infant was born in Pawating hospital Oct. 11, 1944. The father is stationed in Florida.

Surviving are two sisters, Joyce and Sharon Jones; two brothers, Robert and Richard Jones, and a half-brother, William Moore.

Funeral services will be conducted at 2 p.m. Monday in the Pifer funeral home. Burial will be in Silverbrook cemetery.