Carpenter, Howard E.

Howard E. Carpenter
Jan. 1, 1888-December 24, 1916

Death on the Rail is fate of Niles Boy who left here Saturday.

Chief Francis Notified by Deputy Coroner yesterday, Remains to arrive here this afternoon.

Yesterday, Deputy coroner Buhland of Hobart, Ind., phoned Chief Francis that he was in the possession of the body of Howard E . Carpenter, a young man who has been killed, presumably on the Michigan Central railroad, and requested that his relatives be notified. Chief Francis investigated immediately and learned that the deceased was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Byron Carpenter, of this place and that he had been sent to Hobart Saturday to relieve the track pan tender. The young man’s father who has charge of the Michigan Central pumping station in Front Street was notified and he and one of his sons left for Hobart.

Dr. Buhland the corner who, by the way, formerly resided here gave no particulars concerning the way in which the young man was killed.

Howard E. Carpenter was 28 years old, and leaves a father and mother; two sisters, Mrs. John Shoop of Day street and Miss Louise Carpenter and two brothers, Carl and Harvey of this place to mourn his tragic death.

The body arrived here over the Michigan Central this afternoon, and was taken to the Shoop home. The funeral arrangements have not yet been made.

Later: it has been learned that Mr. Carpenter was killed by a South Shore Interurban Car between Gary and East Gary, although there is considerable mystery connected with the case.

Submitted by family member; publication details unknown