Burns, Mary P.

Mary P. Burns
Oct. 1851-March 18, 1934

Niles Daily Star, Monday, March 19, 1934, page 1, col. 1, microfilm Niles District Library

Pneumonia Is Fatal to Mrs. Mary Burns


With her husband preceding her in death by only a week, Mrs. Mary Burns, mother of Wilber Burns, 1204 Cedar street, died Sunday night in the hospital at Alma, Mich., of pneumonia which was also the cause of her husband's death.

Surviving besides Wilber Burns are two daughters Mrs. E.M. Moore, Alma, and Mrs. Claire Rogers, LaGrange, Ill.

The deaths of Mr. and Mrs. Burns removed from the roll two names of long-time residents of the state. They came to Michigan 60 years ago from New York state.

Funeral services will be held at 10:30 (EST) Tuesday morning in St. Louis, Mich., at the Crandall funeral home.  The body will be brought to Niles by a Rutherford hearse where short services will be held at Silverbroook cemetery before interment in the mausoleum.