Carter, Martha Ellen (Hall)

Martha Ellen (Hall) Carter
July 7, 1862-Oct. 25, 1916

Niles Daily Sun, Wednesday, October 25, 1916, page 1, col. 3, microfilm Niles District Library


Her Death Followed Illness of Three Years' Duration


Mrs. Martha Hall Carter, wife of William Carter, died this morning at her home, 306 South Twelfth street, after an illness that has extended over a period of three years.

Mrs. Carter was born in Dayton, Mich., 54 years ago. She has practically spent all her life in Niles and was well known and highly respected here.

She is survived by her husband and five children. The latter are Frank and William Carter of New Carlisle, Mrs. Melvin Bybee, Mrs. Elizabeth Jay and Mrs. Lizzie Williams of Niles. Two children preceded their mother in death.  A sister, Mrs. Nancy Chapman of Niles and a brother, Frank Hall of Buchanan, also survive.

The funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 :30 o'clock from the residence. Rev. Lewis of the Methodist church will officiate. Interment will occur at Silver Brook cemetery.