Elliott, Arthaline (Howell)

Mrs. Wm. S. (Arthaline Howell) Elliott
Dec. 22, 1830-April 19, 1914

Niles Daily Sun, Monday, April 20, 1914, page 1, col. 4, microfilm Niles District Library



The remains of Mrs. Elliott, a former resident of Niles who died Sunday in Chicago from pneumonia are to be brought to Niles Tuesday at 12:50. Deceased was advanced in years and was upwards of 75 years of age. The remains will be taken directly to Silver Brook cemetery for interment. They will be accompanied to Niels by the pastor of the Chicago Presbyterian church where the deceased attended, also by four pallbearers from that city.

Arrangements for the funeral were made with Undertaker Skalla by Mrs. Orr of Michigan City, who came to Niles today for that purpose.

Niles Daily Star, Monday, April 20, 1914, page 1, col. 5, microfilm Niles District Library


Body Will Arrive Here Tomorrow for Interment in Family Lot


Mrs. Wm. S. Elliott, over 80 years of age, died in Chicago Sunday from pneumonia. The family resided in Niles during the later part of the forties and well into the fifties, and will be well remembered by old-time residents. Mrs. Elliott was related the Coan, Ferson and other early families of Niles.

Mrs. Geo. S. Orr of Michigan City, a close friend of the deceased, came here today and made arrangements for interment at Silver Brook cemetery, in the Elliott famliy burial lot. The body will arive[sic] in Niles tomorrow noon, accompanied by the daughter, Miss Carrie Elliott, who is at the head of the city reference department in Chicago.  A son resides in New York City, but will be unable to come.