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Photo SearchTitleDescriptionDate Taken
17bcqjld8ch6qSchrumpf, Walter M. (Vet)2009-10-02 22:47:23
fro029693Frost, Albert Cameron (vet2009-10-02 22:43:41
17be5qk34cpg2Cranson, Victoria and Merle L.2009-10-02 22:42:22
17bcqdubl8kvmRunnels, Betty J. and Robert H.2009-10-02 22:38:42
Radewald, Betty J. and George E.Radewald, Betty J. and George E.2009-10-02 22:37:27
17bcqukgzlxwiSonnenleiter, William R.2009-10-02 22:33:59
Gillette, Margaret MaggieGillette, Margaret Maggie2009-10-02 22:28:06
17becwqjkun9eHarner, Fred2009-10-02 22:15:31
17bed0uzuiyhuHitchcock, Pamela K.2009-10-02 22:14:52
wed026826Willard, Edwin F. and Maudie2009-10-02 22:14:25
17bcy76sv5rgyTaylor, Tiza L.2009-10-02 22:13:48
yor030393York, Donald L. Sr. (Vet)2009-10-02 22:13:17
Sheeler, Bob M. and Sue J.Sheeler, Bob M. and Sue J.2009-10-02 22:12:55
17begxhko304iKneile, Georganna E. and Norman M.2009-10-02 22:12:23
17be5pmyev54iCousins, Lee B. and Jane E.2009-10-02 22:06:39
17be259bli0rmAdams, Wilbur D. and Henrietta S.2009-10-02 22:06:27
17beh5rzlwsgyLindstaedt, Adolph H. (Vet), Ruth Ann and Adolph H.2009-10-02 22:05:09
17azgtyp1pluqBurner, Dorothy2009-09-27 13:06:19
17azgtvnsxhduBurner, Alfred A.2009-09-27 13:06:09
Gilbert, William E. (Vet) and Mary EGilbert, William E. (Vet) and Mary E.2009-09-27 13:05:59
17bdmbguwdb1eNeldon, Cynthia P.2009-09-27 13:05:25
17b5frz5l4sqaCurtis, Miles O. (Vet)2009-09-27 13:04:57
17bhomiw2729uPrenkert, Shirley M.2009-09-27 13:04:40
17azgn498zj6aBriney, Katherine Marie2009-09-27 13:04:20
17azgn4w93c4iBriney, Robert Damon2009-09-27 13:04:12