Nisewander, Lester I.

Lester Nisewander
Feb. 22, 1894-Dec. 27, 1928

Helen Nisewander
1893-Jan. 1, 1929

Niles Daily Star, Wednesday, January 2, 1929, page 4, col. 2, microfilm Niles District Library

Double Funeral Service

A double funeral service will be held in Niles on Thursday afternoon and another on Friday morning.  On Thursday afternoon funeral services for Lester I. Nisewander, and his wife, Helen, 36, of Pittsburgh, Pa., will be held at Troost and Augustine chapel at 2:30 o'clock.  The bodies will be brought to Niles this afternoon from Pittsburgh where their deaths occurred on Dec. 27 and Jan 1, respectively, following brief illnesses with influenza and pneumonia.  Mr. Nisewander was 34 years of age and a world war veteran, while his wife was 36. He was born in New Buffalo and she in Pittsburgh. They were married in LaPorte, Ind. in June, 1922.  Surviving Mr. Nisewander are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Nisewander, one brother, Lyle, of Niles, and four sisters, Mrs. Allie Ranschenback, Niles; Mrs. Charles Wingard, of South Bend, Ind.; Mrs. W.E. Brown, of Birmington, Ill., and Hilah Nisewander, of Niles. The two bodies will be buried in Silver Brook cemetery.  The services Friday will be for Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Zimmer.

Niles Daily Star, Friday, January 4, 1929, page 4, col. 4, microfilm Niles District Library

A double funeral service was held . . . [illegible] . . for Lester Nisewander and his wife Helen, ages 34 and 36 years, who died in Pittsburgh on December 27, 1928, and Jan. 1, 1929, respectively, from influenza. Rev. W.W. Slee, pastor of the Methodist church, conducted the services. Members of LaRue messenger post, American Legion acted as pallbearers, Mr. Nisewander having been a world war veteran. The bodies were brought to Niles from Pittsburgh on Wednesday afternoon. Lyle Nisewander, who resides on the Edwardsburg road, and is proporietor[sic] of a cafe on North Third street is a brother, and Mrs. Allie Rauschenbach, of Niles, a sister of Lester Nisewander.

Note: DOB from WWI Draft Registration