Davis, George

George Davis
Oct. 28, 1916-Oct. 19, 1918

Niles Daily Sun, Monday, October 21, 1918, page 1, col. 6, microfilm Niles District Library


    The death of Mrs. Fern Davis, wife of Harold Davis, 1208 Phoenix street, was followed by that of her son George, aged 2 years, on Saturday night at 11 o'clock. A double funeral service for the mother and son was held Sunday afternoon.  Rev. A.W. Lyons conducted the service.  Interment occurred at Silver Brook cemetery.  Dorothy, aged 1 year, the only surviving child of the family, is seriously ill with pneumonia.

Niles Daily Star, Monday, October 21, 1918, page 1, col. 2, microfilm Niles District Library


    Today's death toll is the largest to be recorded in this city in years.  Of the five to succumb, four were stricken with the Spanish influenza. . .
    Nothing could be much sadder than the one funeral for three members of the Harold Davis family, which occurred from the home yesterday afternoon.
    Mrs. Davis, who was only 21 years of age, had been ill with influenza several days.  Friday she gave birth to a baby boy, which came dead.  Coupled with the epidemic affliction, peritonitis set in and the mother passed away the same afternoon.
    Saturday night George, the two year old son, died and yesterday afternoon Rev. E.G. Lewis conducted one funeral for the three victims.  Mother and babe were lowered into the ground in one coffin and the boy in an adjoining grave.
    Harold Davis, husband and father of the unfortunates, who with Dorothy his one year old daughter, is seriously ill, has been removed to the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Davis.  Mr. Davis' mother, who has been caring for the victims, was herself stricken this afternoon.